Integrative Anthropological Sciences
My work focuses broadly on evolutionary applications to human health and disease. Topics include: evolution, genomics, comparative biology, phylogenetics, evolutionary medicine, maternal-fetal conflict, life history theory, and cancer.
Integrative Anthropological Sciences (behavioral ecology, evolutionary medicine, human biology, biodemography, hunter-gatherers and horticulturalists, life history theory, indigenous health; Bolivia, Paraguay)
- (805) 893-2202
- HSSB 2060
Sociocultural Anthropology (Political anthropology of Latin America, Black and Indigenous autonomy, activist research methods, critical race theory.)
Sociocultural Anthropology (environmental anthropology; ethnography; agriculture, land change and deforestation; Latin America; Brazilian Amazon)
Archaeology (Environmental Archaeology and Human Behavioral Ecology)
Integrative Anthropological Sciences (behavioural ecology, evolutionary demography, global health, the family, parental care, marriage, sexual conflict, gender equality; Tanzania)
Archaeology. Mediterranean and European prehistory; environmental archaeology; origins and spread of agriculture and animal husbandry; behavioral ecology, landscape evolution and biodiversity; faunal and ceramic analysis
- (805) 893-3477
- HSSB 1029
- Mediterranean Prehistory and Paleoecology Laboratory
Sociocultural Anthropology
(indigenous studies, gender & sexuality, race & racism, development, migration, Mexico)
Sociocultural Anthropology (environmental politics, waste, urban infrastructure, racialization, nuclear energy, labor, socialism/postsocialism, European Union, Bulgaria)
Archaeology (archaeology of Egypt and Nubia [the Sudan], ethnicity, culture contact and imperialism, entanglement, secondary state formation, ideology and legitimization, funerary practice, ceramics and residue analysis)
- (805) 893-7887
- HSSB 1059 (Anthropology)
- North Hall 2204 (ISBER)
Integrative Anthropological Studies
I am a behavioral ecologist and evolutionary primatologist with a research focus on the links between sociality, health, and biological fitness in human and non-human primates. My work integrates evolutionary biology, animal behavior, sociology, and public health, and tackles questions by pairing behavioral, ecological, and biomarker data. Active research topics include 1) costs and benefits of social ties at different stages of the life course, 2) social and environmental influences on energetics and immunity, and 3) drivers of changes in social strategies and profiles with age.
Archaeology (paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeology; Mesoamerica, southeastern United States)
Sociocultural Anthropology (political economy, Mexico-United States borderlands, water, commodities, history, materialisms)
Archaeology (emergent complexity, identity politics, warfare; Eastern North America, particularly the Mississippi valley and interior southeastern United States)
- (805) 893-4194
- HSSB 1036
- Department Chair Room HSSB 2001E