Anthropology looks deeply into the human experience, into what make us uniquely human.
Undergraduate Forms
Course Petitions Form for Major Requirements
Undergraduate Advisor
Vacant (Recruitment in Progress)
Advising Hours
Undergraduate Faculty Advisor
Professor Amber VanDerwarker
Undergraduate Resources
Anthropology Undergraduate Mentorship Program
Anthropology Undergraduate Degree Program
Anthropology is the study of humans in the broadest sense: biological, sociocultural, and historical. The aim of the anthropology major at UCSB is threefold: (1) to prepare for graduate school those students who wish to work professionally in anthropology; (2) to prepare students for careers in secondary education or in social work; and (3) to provide a background in behavioral studies for students who desire a broad education in either the biological or the social sciences.
We offer B.A. degrees in three emphases: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, and Cultural Anthropology as well as a B.A. in Anthropology without an emphasis. Students may declare the major after completing two anthropology courses. An anthropology minor is also available. An overall 2.0 grade-point average is required. All major courses must be completed on a letter-graded basis.
We're featured on Zippia's Future Of The Job Market Report, with input from Professor Amber VanDerwarker!
Anthropology Major
Students who wish to follow a general Anthropology track may complete a B.A in Anthropology.
The requirements for this major are detailed in the General Catalog listed below.
- B.A. in Anthropology 2023-2024
- B.A. in Anthropology 2022-2023
- B.A. in Anthropology 2021-2022
- B.A. in Anthropology 2020-2021
- B.A. in Anthropology 2019-2020
- B.A in Anthropology 2018-2019
Helpful Major Resourses Transfer Student Resources
General Anthropology FAQ Pre-Fall Transfer Orientation Presentation 2024
UC EAP Pre-Approved ANTH courses Transfer Orientation Presenation Video 2024
Related Fields Course List Transfer Orienation Packet 2024
General Anthropology Course Planning Sheet
Archaeological Emphasis Course Planning Sheet
Biological Emphasis Course Planning Sheet
Cultural Emphasis Course Planning Sheet
B.A. Emphases
Archaeology Emphasis
Students who wish to specialize in Archaeology may complete the B.A. in Anthropology with an archaeology emphasis. The requirements for this major are detailed in the General Catalog:
Biological Emphasis
Students who wish to specialize in Biological Anthropology may complete the B.A. in Anthropology with a biological emphasis. The requirements for this major are detailed in the General Catalog:
Cultural Emphasis
Students who wish to specialize in Cultural Anthropology may complete the B.A. in Anthropology with a cultural emphasis. The requirements for this major are detailed in the General Catalog:
Anthropology Minor
Finished your Minor?
Once the grade has been posted for your last course in the Anthropology minor, please fill out the form below OR you may email the UG Advisor ( The UG Advisor will submit a Minor Clearance form on your behalf and forward it to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
Please note that the form will be rejected if the grade for your last course in the minor has not yet been posted. The UG Advisor will input the total units and minor GPA on your behalf and route the form to the Registrar for processing once the form has been completed.
The requirements for this minor are detailed in the General Catalog:
- Anthropology Minor Requirements 2023-2024
- Anthropology Minor Requirements 2022-2023
- Anthropology Minor Requirements 2021-2022
- Anthropology Minor Requirements 2019-2020
- Anthropology Minor Requirements 2018-2019
Senior Honors Program
The Anthropology Honors Program is designed to facilitate individual research on topics chosen by the student and pursued in particular depth. Qualified majors will be invited to participate in the Anthropology Honors Program.
Minimum qualifications are junior standing (completion of at least 105 units), completion of at least 20 upper-division units in anthropology, and a grade-point average of at least 3.4.
Students must enroll in ANTH 195A during Spring Quarter of their Junior Year. Each candidate for honors then enrolls in Anthropology 195 B & C taken in consecutive quarters, under the instruction of a thesis advisor chosen by the student and approved by the department. In 195A, the student will formulate a research problem that they will pursue for the duration of the program and begin to conduct background research that will frame their research project. In 195B, the student will concentrate on reading and gathering material for the thesis. Lastly in 195C, the student will write the thesis. The Anthropology Honors thesis will be retained permanently in the department office for faculty and students to read.
Anthropology students who complete the honors program, maintain grades of B or better in Anthropology 195A, B & C and graduate with a minimum 3.4 grade-point average in the major will be awarded Distinction in the Major on university records and on their diploma.
College of Letters and Science Honors Program
Students enrolled in the College of Letters and Science Honors Program will be eligible to enroll in special honors discussion sections in some lower-division anthropology courses. Email the Undergraduate Advising Email for more information.
Internship Opportunities
Click here for current internship opportunities. Please see the Undergraduate Program Coordinator to see for more information.
Anthropology Club at UCSB
The Anthropology Club at UCSB is a body of undergraduates interested in enriching their experience with the Department of Anthropology at UCSB. Our goal is to connect our fellow students with each other and to create and participate in social and academic events throughout the year.
Anthropology Club plans a number of great activities throughout the year. We welcome all interested students, regardless of major. This is a great opportunity to get a feel for the program, major, meet the people in it, and network for opportunities such as internships and volunteer work. Check out their Instagram page for more info or join the GroupMe!
AGSA Mentorship Program
The AGSA Mentorship Program (AMP) is led by graduate students and provides academic and professional support for undergraduate students in Anthropology and other departments. Check out the AMP Mentee Interest Form for more details.
Additional Information for Undergraduates
FALL 24: Related Fields list (color coded)
- Petitions to Declare the Major, Degree Requirements, Double Major, etc.
- ANTH 99 Form - Anthropology Independent Study
- ANTH 178 Form - Internship in Archaeological Record Keeping and Collections
- ANTH 190 Form - Cultural Anthropology Internship
- ANTH 194 Form - Field Training in Archaeology
- ANTH 194P Form - Practicum in Field and Laboratory Analysis
- ANTH 198/199 Form - Anthropology Independent Study Courses
- ANTH 199RA Form - Undergraduate Research Assistance Training in Anthropology
- UCSB Schedule of Classes
- Applying to Grad School in Anthropology
- Careers in Anthropology
Student Funding Resources
National/International Anthropology Organizations
General Sites for Anthropology Funding
- 25 Great Scholarships for Anthropology Majors
- List of Anthropology Scholarships
- List of Anthropology Scholarships (part 2)