
We investigate the impacts our past and present have had on ourselves socially, physically, culturally, biologically and ecologically.

The Department of Anthropology is a medium-sized department with excellent faculty, high national visibility and a reputation for a first-rate graduate program. Each student contracts a unique course of study and research directed towards understanding aspects of human nature, culture, and biology, past and present. Graduate students are admitted to an MA/PhD program in one of three fields: Archaeology, Integrative Anthropological Sciences, or Sociocultural Anthropology.

Degree Requirements

Students are held to the degree program guidelines in place the academic year they enter the graduate program.


Degree Sheets


Department Forms and Waivers

Department Conflict Resolution Policy

Graduate Student Conflict Resolution Policy

Department Travel Procedures & Information 

 If you are traveling for field work, please have all forms filled out and emailed to the Graduate Program Coordinator or Department

Further Information & Checklists

UCSB Graduate Division Forms and Resources

The following Doctoral Degree Forms, Petitions and Information are available here. All Form I-III are to be sent to with the Graduate Program Coordinator cc'd. 
  • Form I - Nomination of Doctoral Committee
  • Form II - Report on Qualifying Exams (Comprehensive Exams)
  • From III - Report on Final Exam for PhD (Completion of all PhD requirements)
  • Form IIIA - Waiver of Final Exam for PhD (Waiver of Defense)
  • Changes in Doctoral Committee
  • Leave of Absence
  • In Absentia
  • Change of Degree Status
  • General Graduate Student Petition (Transfer Credit, UCSB Extension Course Credit, Waive Graduate Council Requirements, Dual Enrollment)
  • Reinstatement from Lapsed Status

Financial Support

Each Spring, the students and their faculty advisors complete a Student Annual Report (SAR) as a way to reflect on progess made over the ending academic year. These reports are then reviewed by the faculty to determine the merit and need-based awarding of Teaching Assistantships, Department Research Positions, and other monetary support for the following academic year.
Additional Financial Support Resources: