Social anthropology; technology; agriculture; medicine; science and society; sociology of knowledge; China, Europe, California
Sociocultural Anthropology (borderlands, indigenous studies, ethnohistorical methods and theory, comparative slavery, non-profit missions, management and governance, the professoriate in the twenty-first century.
Sociocultural anthropology, political anthropology, anthropology of history; Southeast Asia
Old World archaeology, general prehistory, multimedia teaching
Archaeology (emergent sociopolitical complexity among hunter-gatherer societies in southern California, especially the Chumash Indians; California, North America)
Integrative Anthropological Sciences, with special interests in evolutionary psychology, cognitive adaptations, the human voice, sexual selection, evolution of sex differences, lipid metabolism and brain evolution.
Archaeology, cultural ecology; western North America
Sociocultural Anthropology (South Asia, social theory, nationalism, religion, cultural studies, feminist theory, public memory)
Sociocultural Anthropology (medical anthropology, psychological anthropology, risk and perception, environmental and health inequality, science, technology and society, gender, race and new technologies, public engagement/deliberation, immigration and health, mixed methods for social research, collaborative interdisciplinary research)
- (805) 893-3350
- HSSB 2074 (Anthropology)
- HSSB 2059 (Anthropology Lab)
- Professor Emeritus
History of anthropology, social history of rural America and New Zealand
Archaeology (archaeology, hunters-gatherers, European prehistory, archaeological method and theory)
Development, peasant studies, Chicano studies and migration; Mediterranean Europe, Mexico and US Southwest
- Professor Emeritus
Social change and development, economic and political processes; Africa, Europe
Archaeology (archaeology of Andean South America and the southwestern United States, origin and development of complex societies, empire expansion, settlement patterns)
Sociocultural Anthropology (ecological, economic and developmental anthropology, natural resource management, qualitative and quantitative analysis, political ecology; Appalachia, Latin America, Asia)
- Professor Emeritus
Physical anthropology, primate social behavior, the evolution of human behavior
Archaeology, cultural ecology; Mesoamerica