

  • Professor Emerita

Social anthropology; technology; agriculture; medicine; science and society; sociology of knowledge; China, Europe, California


  • Professor Emeritus

Sociocultural Anthropology (borderlands, indigenous studies, ethnohistorical methods and theory, comparative slavery, non-profit missions, management and governance, the professoriate in the twenty-first century.

  • Professor Emeritus

Sociocultural anthropology, political anthropology, anthropology of history; Southeast Asia


  • Professor Emeritus

Political anthropology; Latin America

  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Old World archaeology, general prehistory, multimedia teaching

Lynn Gamble
  • Professor Emerita

Archaeology (emergent sociopolitical complexity among hunter-gatherer societies in southern California, especially the Chumash Indians; California, North America)

Steven Gaulin
  • Professor Emeritus
  • 2014-2015 Academic Senate Distinguished Teacher

Integrative Anthropological Sciences, with special interests in evolutionary psychology, cognitive adaptations, the human voice, sexual selection, evolution of sex differences, lipid metabolism and brain evolution.


  • (805) 893-7402
  • HSSB 1016
  • Professor Emeritus
  • Research Professor

Archaeology, cultural ecology; western North America

Mary Hancock
  • Professor

Sociocultural Anthropology (South Asia, social theory, nationalism, religion, cultural studies, feminist theory, public memory)

  • (805) 893-2907
  • HSSB 2071
  • Professor

Sociocultural Anthropology (medical anthropology, psychological anthropology, risk and perception, environmental and health inequality, science, technology and society, gender, race and new technologies, public engagement/deliberation, immigration and health, mixed methods for social research, collaborative interdisciplinary research)

  • (805) 893-3350
  • HSSB 2074 (Anthropology)
  • HSSB 2059 (Anthropology Lab)
  • Professor Emeritus

History of anthropology, social history of rural America and New Zealand


Michael Jochim
  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Archaeology (archaeology, hunters-gatherers, European prehistory, archaeological method and theory)

  • HSSB 1029
  • Professor Emeritus

Development, peasant studies, Chicano studies and migration; Mediterranean Europe, Mexico and US Southwest

  • Professor Emeritus

Social change and development, economic and political processes; Africa, Europe

Katharina Schreiber
  • Professor Emerita

Archaeology (archaeology of Andean South America and the southwestern United States, origin and development of complex societies, empire expansion, settlement patterns)

Susan Stonich
  • Professor Emerita

Sociocultural Anthropology (ecological, economic and developmental anthropology, natural resource management, qualitative and quantitative analysis, political ecology; Appalachia, Latin America, Asia)

  • Professor Emeritus

Physical anthropology, primate social behavior, the evolution of human behavior

  • Professor Emerita
  • Research Professor

Archaeology, cultural ecology; Mesoamerica

  • 805-893-2257