
Graduate Students

  • Graduate Student


  • Statehood & Anthropology of the State
  • Gender
  • Labor
  • Citizenship
  • Refugees
  • War-time Migration
  • Political Anthropology
  • Neo-liberalism
  • Abhkazia, Caucasus
  • Middle East
  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Sciences (IAS)

  • Skeletal Biology
  • Paleopathology
  • Evolutionary Medicine
  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Sciences

  • Primate Feeding Ecology
  • Community and Population Ecology
  • Energetics and GIS
  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Sciences

I am interested in exploring the causes and consequences of late-life cogitive decline in a non-industrialized setting (Tsimane of Bolivia) with an evolutionary perspective. 

  • Graduate Student
  • Archaeological chemistry (isotopic analysis, proteomic analysis, aDNA)
  • Human ecology
  • Bioarchaeology
  • Zooarchaeology
  • Osteological analysis
  • Research questions: Diet, health, trade, and mobility


  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Science

  • Human behavior ecology
  • Parental investment
  • Demographic transition
  • Environmental instability
  • Graduate Student


  • States and empires, colonialism and culture contact, migration and diaspora
  • Prehistory of the Central Andes, particularly the Middle Horizon in the northern highlands
  • Asian diaspora in Latin America ​


  • Estados e imperios, colonialismo y contacto cultural, migración y diáspora
  • Prehistoria de los Andes Centrales, particularmente el Horizonte Medio (Wari) en la sierra norte
  • Diáspora asiática (Nikkei) en América Latina
  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Sciences

  • Biocultural Evolution
  • Human growth and development 
  • Intersection of lifestyle factors, health, and evolution
  • Population Genetics 
  • Graduate Student

SocioCultural Anthropology

  • Energy Justice and anti-extractivism
  • Feminist Political Ecology
  • Indigenous and Peasant Struggles
  • Critical STS
Picture of Jake W. Dean
  • Graduate Student
Sociocultural Anthropology
  • Political Ecology
  • Conservation-as-development
  • Maritime & Fisheries Anthropology
  • Posthumanism
  • Pacific Coast of Mexico & the Americas
  • Ecotourism and Outdoor Recreation


  • Graduate Student


  • Maya archaeology
  • Economic systems
  • Social networks
  • Open science
  • Graduate Student


  • Environmental Justice
  • Political Ecology of Health
  • Race, Gender and the Environment
  • Social Reproduction and the environment
  • Extractivism and violence



  • Graduate Student
  • Midwest and Southeastern U.S.
  • Culture contact
  • Identity
  • Mississippian
  • Oneota
  • Household archaeology
  • Ceramic Analysis
  • Ceramic analysis
  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Science

  • Wildlife health and Disease
  • Reproductive ecology
  • Anthropogenic impacts
  • Life history theory
  • Human-wildlife interaction
  • One Health
  • Biodemography
  • Wildlife conservation


  • Graduate Student


  • Mesoamerican Archaeology
  • Indigenous Archaeology
  • Environmental Archaeology
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge
  • Human-Environment
  • Interactions, Food Systems
  • Graduate Student


  • The development of fruit cultivation and domestician 
  • Gardens and gardening in antiquity 
  • Graduate Student


  • Lithic analysis
  • Stable isotope analysis
  • Ancient DNA
  • Social complexity
  • Exchange networks
  • Hunter/gatherer diet and mobility
  • Indigenous Archaeology
  • Human Behavioral Ecology
  • Graduate Student


I am interested in assessing health over time in pre- and protohistoric Chumash populations through the analysis of skeletal remains. I am particularly interested in treponemal diseases, of which the origin, spread and movements are still unclear. My background is in forensic anthropology, neonatal osteology, bioarchaeology, and Channel Islands archaeology.

  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural anthropology

  • Indigenous peoples
  • Cultural revitalization
  • Environmental justice
  • Political economy
  • Infrastructure
  • Settler colonialism
  • Japan (modern)
  • Graduate Student


Research Interests:

  • Archaeology
  • Mesoamerica
  • Paleoethnobotany
  • Foodways
  • Residue analysis
  • Nixtamalization
  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Sciences

  • Human Behavioral Ecology
  • Gender Norms
  • Women's Empowerment
  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Sciences

  • Behavioral ecology
  • Etholog
  • Primate social networks
  • Wildlife conservation
  • Graduate Student


  • Caribbean archaeology
  • Ceramic technology, archaeometry
  • Island and coastal archaeology
  • Marine adaptations, public outreach 
  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural Anthropology

  • Graduate Student

SocioCultural Anthropology:

  • Visual and Semiotic Anthropology
  • Environmental Anthropology
  • Political Anthropology
  • Natural Resource Allocation and Redistribution of Wealth
  • The Anthropological Development of Theoretical and Applied Neo neo-Marxism
  • Documentary Filmmaking
  • Rural Anthropology
  • Populist Social Movements 
  • Graduate Student


I am a North American archaeologist, focusing on Culture Contact through the lenses of ethnogenesis and coalescence.  Currently I have been researching Iroquoia, specifically examining the Mohawk during Contact and early Historic Period, focusing on the agency and identity of the Mohawk using color symbolism and pXRF analysis of historic glass beads at a late 17th century Mohawk village.

Research Interests:

  • Native American Studies
  • Culture Contact
  • Household Archaeology
  • Social Organization
  • Political Economy
  • Historical Archaeology
  • Colonialism
  • Remote Sensing
  • GIS
  • Plantation and Slave Archaeology
  • Southeastern and Eastern United States
  • Mission Archaeology
  • Graduate Student

SocioCultural Anthropology

  • Applied anthropology
  • Environmental anthropology
  • Latinx immigrant studies
  • Graduate Student


  • Maya Ceremonial Monuments
  • Mesoamerican Archaeology
  • Iconography
  • Art History
  • Ritual Landscapes
  • Geospatial Science and Technology
  • Epigraphy
  • Linguistics
  • Graduate Student


  • Environmental Archaeology
  • Zooarchaeology
  • Human-Environment 
  • Stable Isotopes
  • aDNA
  • Culture Contact and Persistence
  • Graduate Student

SocioCultural Anthropology

  • Environmental Anthropology, Rural Anthropology
  • NGOS, Resource Extraction, Food Systems
  • Latin America, Brazil 
  • Graduate Student

Integrative Anthropological Sciences

  • Evolutionary Medicine with a focus on cancer and microchimerism 
  • Biocultural evolution
  • Cooperation and conflict across systems 
  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural Anthropology
Ph.D. emphases in: Global Studies, Environment and Society

  • International Nongovernmental Organizations
  • Haitian Culture and History
  • Critical Climate Justice
  • Environmental and Human Health and Wellbeing
  • Disaster Studies
  • Globalized Food Systems
  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural Anthropology

Historical Archaeology
Colonialism and Culture Contact
Spanish Borderlands
Anthropology of Religion
Religious Interactions in the Context of Culture Shock
California Archaeology
Shell Bead Analysis

  • Graduate Student

SocioCultural Anthropology

  • Racism, state formation, and regional elites
  • Labor migration, rural economies, and agricultural industry
  • Alumni


  • Environmental Anthropology
  • Invasive Species, Fisheries, Food
  • Mexico, Cuba, Latin America
  • Graduate Student


  • Alcohol consumption practice, identity, entanglement
  • African Archaeology, primarily centered on Egyptian and Nubian interaction near the Third Cataract of the Nile 
  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural Anthropology

  • American and South Asian religion
  • Digital and physical space
  • Ritual practice
  • Community
  • Heritage
  • Ladakh
  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural Anthropology

Research Interests: 

  • Wildfire
  • Political Ecology
  • Epistemologies
  • Environmental Governance


  • Graduate Student


My research investigates the beginnings of transhumance on the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia during the Middle Neolithic.

  • Human Behavioral Ecology
  • Domestication
  • Paleoecology
  • Remote Sensing
  • GIS
  • Unmanned Aerial Systems
  • Graduate Student

Sociocultural Anthropology

Sociocultural; Disability; Injury; Care; Risk; South Asia; China

  • Graduate Student


  • Edible Insects
  • Environmental Anthropology
  • Perceptions of food, nature, and environment
  • Human-Environment Interactions
  • Food Systems