- Environmental Justice
- Political Ecology of Health
- Race, Gender and the Environment
- Social Reproduction and the environment
- Extractivism and violence
M.A. Social Sciences, The University of Chicago 2014
B.A. Linguistics, CUNY Brooklyn College 2011
My dissertation looks at intersectional movements for environmental and reproductive justice as a response to the violence of extractivism and austerity in Argentina.
Feeney, Ingrid Elísabet. (2019) "Latin American Ciencia Digna Movement Asks: 'Science for What and for Whom?'" Science for the People. Vol 22, Issue 1.
Feeney, Ingrid Elísabet. (2018). “Reflections on the First Ecosocialist International” Resilience.
Feeney, Ingrid Elísabet. (2017) “Por una Vida Digna: Science as Technique of Power and Mode of Resistance in Argentina.” Alternautas – (Re)Searching Development: The Abya Yala Chapter. Vol. 4, Issue 1.
Feeney, Ingrid Elísabet. (2015). “Reimagining the New Industrial City: articulating an alternative ethos of waste and production through ‘closing the loop’.” Society & Space Open Forum. August.
Anth 152: Environmental Anthropology
Anth 2: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Anth 104: Language and Culture. Santa Barbara City College.