Sociocultural Anthropology
Bachelors in Philosophy & Life Sciences, Erasmus University College, 2019
Research Master in Social Sciences, Environmental Studies, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 2022
Natalia Derossi is a Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of California Santa Barbara. Her research interests include value formation, environmental destruction, energy conversion, fracking, rural and nahua economies, all processes which she studies through the prism of economic, medical, and environmental anthropology. Natalia obtained her B.A. in both Philosophy and Life Sciences, with a minor in Ecology. A thesis on philosopher of Science Alfred North Whitehead’s reformulations by Isabelle Stengers, Donna Haraway and Bruno Latour capped her double major. This work was selected for publication on the Erasmus Philosophy Journal (ESJP). She then moved to Paris to pursue a Research Master in Environmental Studies and Social Sciences at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Within the Master’s framework, she conducted several months of fieldwork in one of the world’s biggest laboratory of Microalgae biotechnology, ethnographying how facts and tales of infinite renewable productivity are fabricated in the laboratory. Science and Technology Studies also inform her current methodological background. Elements of her Master's research are currently being published as a book chapter by Université Grenoble-Alpes, Écotopiques. Natalia has coedited a book by Brill Academic Publishers, published in PubMed journals such as Plant Signalling & Behaviours, as well as in political ecology French reviews like Revue Terrestres.
Energy conversion, fracking, value formation, toxicity, cancer, combined cycle thermoelectric power plants, rural and nauha communities, Mexican Huasteca Potosina, Mexico-USA energy relationships, religion and resistance.
Deni, Michela, Natalia Derossi, and Paolo Deganello. ‘Interview de Paolo Deganello’. Design Arts Medias Magazine, 2021. https://journal.dampress.org/words/interview-de-paolo-deganello
Derossi, Natalia. ‘Memorias Del Subdesarrollo: A Critical Review.’, 2019, ESAJ edition. https://esaj.nl/Natalia-Derossi-1.
Derossi, Natalia. ‘Rethinking Whitehead’s Influence and Rethinking Scientific Practices’. Erasmus Student Journal of Philosophy 18 (2020): 8. https://www.eur.nl/sites/corporate/files/2020-07/natalia-derossi.pdf
Derossi, Natalia, and Niccolo Tiburcio. ‘Les Hurlements Du Vent : Enquête Sur l’extractivisme Éolien Au Mexique’, 17 April 2024, Revue Terrestres edition. https://www.terrestres.org/2024/04/17/les-hurlements-du-vent-enquete-sur-lextractivisme-eolien-au-mexique/.
Derossi, Natalia, and Laetitia Van den Bergen. ‘Conserver La Productivité Au Laboratoire : La Fabrication de La Monoculture Microalgale’. In Conservation En Mouvement. Savoirs, Pratiques, Politiques., Université Grenoble-Alpes Écotopiques. Grenoble, 2026
Derossi, Natalia. ‘The Visual Language of the Rotterdam Techno Scene’, 2019, ESAJ edition. https://esaj.nl/Laetitia-Van-Den-Bergen-Natalia-Derossi-1
Hendlin, Yogi Hale, Johanna Weggelaar, Natalia Derossi, and Sergio Mugnai. Being Algae: Transformations in Water, Plants. Brill, 2024. https://brill.com/display/title/68608?language=en
Derossi Natalia. ‘Communicating Algae Polycultures: Photobioreactors, the Phycosphere and Its Living Waters’. Critical Plant Studies, 2023, 91. https://brill.com/display/book/9789004683310/BP000013.xml
Mugnai, Sergio, Natalia Derossi, and Yogi Hendlin. ‘Algae Communication, Conspecific and Interspecific: The Concepts of Phycosphere and Algal-Bacteria Consortia in a Photobioreactor (PBR)’. Plant Signaling & Behavior 18, no. 1 (2023): 2148371. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36934349/
TA For: Ecology (EUC)
Academic Writing (EUC)
Intro to Biological anthropology (UCSB)
Intro to Sociocultural Anthropology (UCSB)