Integrative Anthropological Sciences
- Human Behavioral Ecology
- Gender Norms
- Women's Empowerment
University of California, Santa Barbara Sept 2019-Present
PhD in Anthropology (Current GPA: 4.0)
University of Richmond May 2017
B.A., Leadership Studies, Magna Cum Laude, (GPA 3.6)
I am broadly interested in human behavioural ecology, with specific research interests in sexual conflict and gender norms. To date, I have worked primarily in East Africa (Uganda and Tanzania), and Latin America (Bolivia and Nicaragua) on a variety of projects relating to family life, health, and livelihoods. As a graduate student in integrative anthropological sciences, I am now working to apply anthropological theory to better understand shifting gender relations in Northern Tanzania.
Kilgallen JA, Schaffnit SB, Kumogola Y, Galura A, Urassa M. Lawson DW (2021). Positive correlation between women’s status and intimate partner violence suggests violence backlash in Mwanza, Tanzania. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605211050095
Lawson DW, Schaffnit SB, Kilgallen JA, Kumogola Y, Galura A & Urassa M. (2021). He for She? Variation and exaggeration in men’s support for women’s empowerment in northern Tanzania. Evolutionary Human Sciences. 3: E27. https://doi.org/10.1017/ehs.2021.23
Chen Z, Kilgallen JA, Urassa M, Schaffnit SB, Kumogola Y, Lawson, DW. (2024). Misperception of peer beliefs reinforces inequitable gender norms among Tanzanian men. https://doi.org/10.1017/ehs.2024.6
Kilgallen JA, Lawson DW, Schaffnit SB, Kumogola Y, Chen, Z, Urassa M. (under review). Understanding gender differences in justification of intimate partner violence: are women truly more accepting of violence than men?
Instructor of Record, International Development (2023 - Current)
Teaching Assistant, Evolutionary Medicine (2022-2023)
Co-Instructor, Honors Seminar: Understanding Men’s Support for Gender Equality (2021-2023)
Teaching Assistant, Behavioural Ecology of the Family (2020-2022)
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Biological Anthropology (2020-2023)