Sociocultural anthropology
- Indigenous peoples
- Cultural revitalization
- Environmental justice
- Political economy
- Infrastructure
- Settler colonialism
- Japan (modern)
MA (Anthropology) UCSB 2020
MA (Applied Anthropology) Oregon State University 2018
BA (Anthropology) University of Chicago 2010
I was born and raised in central Illinois, and spent my formative years in the city of Chicago. I moved to the west coast in 2015 to pursue graduate studies in Anthropology. I currently live in Goleta, CA with my partner and our two cats. When not working on my research, I enjoy playing the saxophone and clarinet and listening to classic Jamaican records on vinyl.
My research examines the ways that Indigenous Ainu environmental and political activists assert temporal sovereignty by envisioning and enacting decolonized futures through innovative, Indigenous-led infrastructure ventures. I will be conducting a year of ethnographic fieldwork in Hokkaido, Japan from June 2023-May 2024 to investigate this topic.
UCSB Environmental Justice/Climate Justice Hub: https://ejcj.orfaleacenter.ucsb.edu
Contributor to AinuToday www.ainutoday.com
Saxophonist for:
Peenie Wallies https://peeniewallies.bandcamp.com/releases
Radio Prophets https://www.radioprophets.com/
SBCC Saxophone Quartet
2023 Ioannides, M. “From Peeling to Healing the Skin of the Earth: Indigenous Infrastructure and Decolonization in Ainu Mosir (Hokkaido, Japan).” Paper presented at the Healing Communities Conference, Santa Barbara, CA. February 25, 2023.
2022 Ioannides, M. “Infrastructures of Sovereignty: Indigenous Environmental Activism and the Politics of Temporality in Settler Colonial Japan”. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Seattle, WA. November
9-13, 2022.
2022 Ioannides, M.. Infrastructures of Sovereignty: Indigenous Environmental Activism
and the Politics of Temporality in Settler Colonial Japan. Paper Presented at the UCSB
Environmental Justice/Climate Justice Studies Hub, Santa Barbara, CA. May 25, 2022.
2022 Raporo Ainu Nation. “Utaspano Uoupekare No. 25,” translated by Michael J.
Ioannides. Issue 25, March 4, 2021. Accessed August 29, 2022. https://tinyurl.com/yc3k4c2n
2022 Translation of "Raporo Ainu Nation's Lawsuit over Indigenous Fishing Rights: Statement of Opinion of Mr. Kouki Nagane (Chairman, Raporo Ainu Nation)." Shimin Gaikou
Centre, February 1, 2022. https://tinyurl.com/2p8s38yw
2022 Translation of "Raporo Ainu Nation's Lawsuit over Indigenous Fishing Rights: Statement of Opinion of Mr. Masaki Sashima." Shimin Gaikou Centre, February 1, 2022.
2019 Ioannides, M. 2019, March 3. "Colonization, Statemaking, and Development: A Political Ecology of the Saru River Development Project, Hokkaido, Japan." Paper Presented at The American Indian and Indigenous Collective Symposium, Santa Barbara, CA. March 1-March 3, 2019.
2018 Ioannides, M. 2018. “Review of Upstream: Trust Lands and Power on the Feather River, by Beth Rose Middleton Manning.” Journal of Political Ecology 25(1). https://goo.gl/vdCVxC
2017 Ioannides, M., Tilt, B. China: Lessons Learned from the Manwan Dam. Geneva: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. https://tinyurl.com/bdfzzwsc.
2017 Walicki, N., Ioannides, M., and Tilt, B. Dams and Internal Displacement: An Introduction. Geneva: Internal Displacement Monitoring Center.
Instructor for:
ANTH 103B: Anthropology of Japan
ANTH 129: Ethnographic Methods, Ethics, and Engagement
TA for:
ANTH 2: Introductory Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 3: Introductory Archaeology
ANTH 5: Introductory Biological Anthropology
EACS 14: Environment and Power in Japan