Origins and Afterlives of Kush Conference

Event Date: 

Thursday, July 25, 2019 - 12:00am to Saturday, July 27, 2019 - 12:00am

Event Location: 

  • Mosher Alumni Hall

Event Price: 

Registration: $120 (link to be provided soon for paying online).

Optional wine country tour and Barbeque on Sunday (details to follow).

As hotels around campus are expensive, and traveling daily from downtown can be rather impractical, lodging has been reserved at San Joaquin Apartments, at a short distance from campus. Both single and double bedrooms are available and the price includes full board. A five day stay (arriving Wednesday and departing Monday) would cost $638.62 single/414.40 for a shared bedroom, four days $514.77/335.39, three days $390.91/256.38 (links to be provided soon for online reservations).

The origin of the second Kingdom of Kush (c. 850 BCE to 350 CE) has been the subject of much discussion and debate over the years. The kingdom that arose at Napata lasted over a thousand years, evolving over time and continuing to influence the polities that emerged after the kingdom broke apart in c. 350 CE. One of the kingdom’s legacies continues on today as an early example of an African state, allowing for an exploration of larger theoretical questions surrounding state formation, religion and ideology, political economy, identity and intercultural interaction. At the same time, the Kingdom of Kush has played an important and controversial role in the development of Black Studies, the discourse of Afrocentrism, and a consideration of the asymmetries in the racial discourse surrounding Egypt in particular and Africa more generally both in their historical and contemporary incarnations.

Click here for Call for Papers announcement

Click here for the Program and here for Abstracts.

You can find detalis on campus housing and make reservations through through the following link, but please use a browser other than Safari:

Use the following link to register for the conference (the registration fee is $120):

Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology with support from the College of Letters and Sciences and Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research.

Bark stand of Taharqa in the Great Temple of Amun at Gebel Barkal