Pizza Talk: "Applied Medical Anthropology Inside/Outside the Academy"

Event Date: 

Friday, October 27, 2017 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
"Applied Medical Anthropology Inside/Outside the Academy"
Hillary Haldane, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Quinnipiac University 
In this talk, Hillary Haldane (PhD alumna 2007) discusses the importance of applied medical anthropology as a field inside the university context, particularly in the undergraduate curriculum, and beyond, in the world of non-governmental organizations, government institutions, and widespread policy application. Dr. Haldane will discuss the importance for students to build and maintain collaborative networks, transdisciplinary knowledge, and ability to translate arcane anthropological ideas into digestible units. Dr. Haldane will highlight the work she has done for various governments in her capacity as an applied medical anthropologist, and how her work at an undergraduate focused university taught her the importance of teaching anthropology in the general education.
Hillary Haldane is an internationally recognized expert of gender-based violence, Indigenous rights, and the political-economy of the culture concept. She became interested in anthropology, and specifically the cultures of the South Pacific, when her family moved to Aotearoa New Zealand from California in 1982. Since 1997 she has conducted research in Dunedin, Auckland and Christchurch, examining the bicultural and multicultural provisioning of services to survivors of violence, with a theoretical focus on the culture concept. Aotearoa means the "land of the long white cloud" and Maori share a linguistic history with peoples in the Eastern Pacific stretching far north to the islands of Hawai'i.In 2017 Dr. Haldane carried out comparative research in Australia during her time as a Fulbright Senior Scholar. Dr. Haldane studied anthropology at San Diego State University, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Texas at Austin, University of Sussex (England), and University of Otago (Aotearoa New Zealand). Dr. Haldane has published two influential volumes with her long-time collaborator and colleague, Dr. Jennifer Wies, numerous journal articles and book chapters, policy papers, and advocacy reports in her areas of expertise. Dr. Haldane and Dr. Wies co-edit the book series Cross-Cultural Studies in Gender-Based Violence with Lexington. Dr. Haldane teaches courses on cultural anthropology, gender/sex/sexuality, gender-based violence, medical anthropology, development, ethnographic methods, and campus rape.