Susan Schaffnit

Postdoctoral Scholar

Office Location

HSSB 2053


population health science; evolutionary anthropology; family demography; life course transitions; reproductive decision making; reproductive health; Tanzania


2015. PhD Epidemiology and Population Health. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.

2010. MSc Human Evolution and Behavior. University College London, UK.

2008. BA Anthropology. Beloit College, US. 


Schaffnit, S.B., Hassan, A., Urassa, M., & Lawson, D.W. (in press). Parent-offspring conflict unlikely to explain 'child marriage' in northwestern Tanzania. Nature Human Behavior 

Schaffnit, S.B., Urassa, M., & Lawson, D.W. (in press). ‘Child marriage’ in context: exploring local attitudes towards early marriage in rural Tanzania. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters

Birdthistle, I., Schaffnit, S.B., Kwaro, D., Shahmanesh, M., Ziraba, A., Kabiru, C., Phillips-Howard, P., Chimbindi, N., Ondeng’e, K., Gourlay, A. Cowan, F., Hargreaves, J.,  Hensen, B. , Chiyaka, T.,  Glynn, J., & Floyd, S. (2018). Evaluating the impact of the DREAMS Partnership to Reduce HIV Incidence among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in four settings: A Study ProtocolBMC Public Health. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5789-7

?Schaffnit, S.B. & Sear, R. (2017). Support for new mothers and the decision to have a second child in the United Kingdom: not all support is equalPopulation Studies: 1-17doi: 10.1080/00324728.2017.1349924

?Schaffnit, S.B. & Sear R. (2017). Supportive families versus support from families: the decision to have a child in the Netherlands. ?Demographic Research, 37(14): 414-454. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.37.14

?Sear, R., & Schaffnit, S. (2017). It's not just about the future: The present payoffs to behavior vary in degree and kind between the rich and the poorBehavioral and Brain Sciences, 40. doi:10.1017/S0140525X1700111X 

?Lawson D. W., Schaffnit, S.B., Hassan, A., James, S. & Borgerhoff Mulder, M. (2017). Father absence but not fosterage predicts food insecurity, relative poverty and poor child health in northern TanzaniaAmerican Journal of Human Biology, 29(3): e22938. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22938

??Stulp, G., Sear, R., Schaffnit, S.B., Mills, M., & Barrett, L. (2016). The reproductive ecology of industrial societies: the association between wealth and fertilityHuman Nature, 27(4): 445-470. doi: 10.1007/s12110-016-9272-9

Schaffnit, S.B. & Sear, R. (2014). Wealth modifies relationships between kin and women’s fertility in high-income countriesBehavioral Ecology, 25(4), 834-842. doi: 10.1093/beheco/aru059

Sheppard, P.*, Schaffnit, S.B.*, Garcia, J. R. & Sear, R. (2014). Fostering relations: first sex and marital timings for children raised by kin and non-kin carersEvolution and Human Behavior, 35(3); 161-168. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2013.12.002