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Archaeology (paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeology; Mesoamerica, southeastern United States)
PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
My research encompasses a variety of methods, regions, and themes that revolve around the relationship between humans and food in the New World. Methods that I employ include archaeobotany and zooarchaeology. My lab is set up for the analysis of macro plant remains, starch grains, phytoliths, and faunal remains. I focus my research in Mesoamerica and the Eastern United States, but I also train students working in California and South America. Some themes of my research encompass the development of socio-political complexity, agricultural intensification, social identity and feasting, gender, the effects of warfare on the food quest, and exploratory data analysis.
Research Interests
- New World Archaeology (Mexico, Southeastern U. S.)
- Middle Range Societies, Political Economy, Gender Studies, Warfare
- Subsistence Strategies, Zooarchaeology, Paleoethnobotany
- Prehistoric Foodways, Agriculture, Human Ecology
- Environmental Archaeology, Biogeography
See Curriculum Vitae
For Course Information, please visit Dr. VanDerwarker's Lab Website: